The Hills and Valleys

Day 94, Tuesday, August 29, 2017


Round 5 started last Friday – which means I’m less than 21 days until my last round of R-CHOP. Many of you have been asking what is going to happen after Round 6 is done and the answer is that I don’t know…yet.  I am supposed to be getting another scan between September 18 and October 4…Kaiser decides when that appointment is.  I’ll have a follow-up appointment on October 5th with my oncologist and then, depending on what comes up in the scan results, I’ll either start another 3 rounds of a different type of chemo or I’ll get scheduled for radiation therapy.

The start of this Round was much better than Round 4.  I really didn’t start to feel the side effects until late Sunday morning – that’s when the real crash happened.  Tim and I decided last minute to get out of town after I finished chemo on Friday to support our jiu jitsu team in Vegas.

Hold the phone…before you get your eyebrows all raised..
Yes, I was super careful.
Yes, I sanitized and kept away from germy people.
Yes, I know I still have cancer and normal people usually rest after chemo.
I’m not normal people.

Here’s the thing: I needed to take this trip.  Not only because we love our teammates and we want to make this trip every year – but I needed to have a little bit of my life back again.  For just one weekend, I wanted to forget that I have this struggle…we had an amazing dinner at Fogo De Chao on Friday night…we spent all day Saturday watching the World Masters Championship…we got to watch a pro jiu jitsu fight…I got to take a picture with Mackenzie Dern…


We got to see the Westgate hotel burning (don’t was contained really fast)…and we ended Saturday night watching the Mayweather vs. McGregor fight with our Carlson Gracie Menifee family.  No talk of cancer.  For a few days, time slowed down and I was able to put cancer on a shelf for a little bit.  Maybe my brain clicked into vacation mode, but I didn’t feel sick until Sunday – it was like my body was saying “ok, I’ll give you Friday and Saturday off, but we are back on track starting Sunday…”  Late on Sunday morning, my body clicked back into cancer mode and caught up to me.

Christian singer, Tauren Wells, came out with a song recently called “Hills and Valleys”.   His song was inspired by the quote:

“When you’re on the mountaintops of life, learn to bow low—and when you’re in the valleys of life, learn to stand tall.”

It has only been three months since my diagnosis…a little over 90 days…but man I have been through lots of hills and valleys.  Lately, the valley that I’m walking through is making me struggle with my self-image.  I don’t physically feel like myself anymore…its not just losing the hair – but seeing how much the rest of my body has changed is upsetting.  I see a stranger in the mirror – swollen eyes, puffy face, hands and feet that feel tight all the time.  My back aches and I can never get comfortable.  I can’t workout or train like I used to because I’m beyond exhausted and I get winded very quickly.  My weight continues to go up and up and up.  It all sounds shallow and silly – but this is my personal struggle.  I’ve lost control of my body because of George and the chemo and the meds and I can’t do anything but wait until the tumor is gone…and then I will be dealing with the aftermath long after the cancer has disappeared and my body recovers.  Tim reassures me everyday that he still thinks I’m beautiful – and that this is just temporary and my body will go back to normal – but I have to fight the insecurities every day.  I want my health back – to be able to sleep the whole night again, to be rid of the pain and the hot flashes and the ache.

“It is not fancy hair, gold jewelry, or fine clothes that should make you beautiful. No, your beauty should come from inside you –the beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit. That beauty will never disappear and it is worth very much to God.”
— 1 Peter 3:3-4

I shouldn’t be so focused on what I look like right now, but I’m still working on that.  Its one of the hard and tough lessons that I have to learn.  I embraced being a woman – I was made fearfully and wonderfully by Him.  I enjoyed getting my hair done and getting a pedicure once in a while….getting “dolled up” for date night and shopping for clothes with my daughters.  Cancer has put all that on hold for me at the moment.  Cancer is forcing me to take a look at how much I really love myself from the inside out and it is a hard realization of how little I do.  There are layers of damage from hurts of years ago that I have never gotten over.  Things that other people have said about me, to me – even things that I have said to myself have left wounds that have never healed and turn into negative voices that I hear when the days get bad and I’m spiraling down.

I was given a quick glimpse over the hill this weekend – a quick look at a few things I want to do once I’m done fighting cancer but for now I’ll have to to get through this low valley to get to the next hill…and I know that these valleys are a part of the process that God wants me to walk through.  I need to keep learning how to stand tall through the trial.  Some days I can see the path clearly and other days, when that fog settles in the valley and I’m walking blindly through the mist – all I can do is trust and be faithful that He is leading me to where I need to be.


She Rises While It Is Yet Night…

Day 81, Wednesday, August 16, 2017

The last few weeks have been bad.  Not like “oh-I’m-just-tired-and-feeling-crummy”.  More like she is going down the deep, dark rabbit hole and we threw a life line down and she tossed it right back up kind of bad.  The last post I wrote, I promised to fight…and I am fighting but like Coach says “sometimes you are the hammer and sometimes you get to be the nail…”  Saturday following the start of Round 4 hit me physically like a train…not even a mack truck – it was definitely a 90,000 ton, 3 mile long train.  Rounds 1-3 I could manage through.  Round 4 was the first time I felt like I wasn’t my true self.  It wasn’t until Wednesday of last week that I could finally get up from the couch and semi-function…and as if the physically pain wasn’t enough – I found myself in a funk.  I was easily angered and frustrated and just annoyed at everyone and everything.  I couldn’t shake it off…it didn’t go away in a day or so like it normally does…I was wallowing in it.

Insomnia, hot flashes and depression make a very not nice person to live with and my poor husband who has been my biggest cheerleader, nurse, chauffeur, cook, etc. has been taking the brunt of my crappy moods.

Last week, my general surgeon let me know that they will not be going forward with putting a port catheter in.  After going over my PET scan and CT scans, the risk is too much to try to put one in since the tumor is too big and is still sitting too close to the vein that carries oxygen to my heart.  No port.  A friend very generously offered me tickets to the Outcry concert for Wednesday night.  Tim gently let me know that it was not a good idea to be around all those people.  No concert.  IBJJF World Championship in Vegas that we had plans to go to since last year is next week.  Too many people, too many germs.  No Masters.  Last night, I went to jiu jitsu with the family and was getting ready to pack my gi.  Tim reminded me that I can’t be on the mats.  No training.  I cried on the way home from training in the car trying to explain to Tim how much I miss just being normal…even if I suck at jiu jitsu…I still wanted to be on the mats enjoying my time with our friends.

No. No. No.

“She rises while it is yet night and provides food for her household and portions for her maidens.” -Proverbs 31:15

It was 2 a.m. early this morning and since I couldn’t sleep (again) – I kept reading this verse over and over again…

Soo…I’m supposed to meal prep at 2 a.m.?

Maidens? What maidens? I could really use some of those though…

Do you want me to be a Proverbs 31 woman? Because I’m better at doing the opposite of what she does….

Why was God giving me this message right now?  I tried to wrap my brain around the Proverbs 31 woman…and after 20 minutes of reading and then crying which turned into sobbing quietly out of frustration of just my overall state in general so I didn’t wake up Tim sleeping next to me, I flipped on my phone to listen to my music to calm me down..and this song popped on:

There is a wrestling in my heart and my mind
A disturbance and a tension I cannot seem to drive 
And if I’m honest, there’s quite a bit of fear 
To sit here in this silence and really hear You 

What will you ask of me?
Will I listen to your voice when you speak?

Help me to move
Help me to see
Help me to do whatever you would ask of me 
Help me to go 
(Or) God help me to stay 

I’m feeling so alone here 
And I know that You’re faithful But I can barely breathe 
God help me

Sometimes things, they are black and white
But sometimes they are not and it leaves us torn inside
And in the middle we are left to wonder
Who we are, what You want and where we’re going
Oh such a mystery
I don’t always understand
But I believe

Help me to move
Help me to see
Help me to do whatever you would ask of me 
Help me to go 
(Or) God help me to stay 
I’m feeling so alone here 
And I know that You’re faithful But I can barely breathe 
God help me

I don’t know the future
It’s one day at a time 
But I know I’ll be okay with Your Hand holding mine 
So take all my resistance 
Oh God I need Your grace 
One step and then the other Show me the way 
Show me the way

Help me to move
Help me to see
Help me to do whatever you would ask of me 
Help me to go 
(Or) God help me to stay 
I’m feeling so alone here 
And I know that You’re faithful But I can barely breathe 
God help me

“She rises while it is yet night..” -Proverbs 31:15

And then it hit me.  This verse has more to say than just the time of day I am supposed to get up.  It is about rising – in the dark, in the middle of the hardest and roughest time, when darkness and chaos abounds – to get up and do something…not just anything…something work…to fight.

We stepped up recently to help with our Childrens’ Ministry.  To take a bigger role than we had before to be able to lead the younger members of our church family and help teach them about God.  It put a target on me and Tim to be opened up to attack, because the last thing the Enemy wants is for us to step up…when I have every excuse to step back and step down because of the cancer…and despite knowing that the Enemy is going to throw everything our way to try derail us…we still choose to step up…

Prayer warriors, this is how you can help if you didn’t know how to before…surround us with a hedge of protection through prayer as we step into our new roles in the ministry.  Keep this dark cloud away from me that looms over my head and is trying to break me down because it would be so, so much easier to sit, to give in, to give up, to be discouraged by the “no”s…

Pray for my husband and my kids that as a family we draw closer to each other and even closer to Him and we go through this trial and be a testimony that even though we had reasons to back away…we are going to rise…

The Good News…and the OK News

Day 69, Friday, August 4, 2017

Patience has never been something that comes easy to me.  When I ask my kids to get ready to head out the door, I think what they hear is: let’s do everything I waited until the last minute to do and do it as S L O W as possible just so that mom can practice being patient…

I’d love to be able to say “Oh sweetie pie, you have to poop right now when we are already running 20 minutes behind because your sister couldn’t find the underwear that matches her socks, shoes, shorts and shirt? That’s ok! You go ahead and take another 30 minutes getting out that little butt nugget and mommy will be right here reading her Bible and praying and praising Jesus for how wonderful her children are and how much faster they’ve gotten since yesterday!”…yeah…no…its more like:

You’ve got to be freaking kidding me…
If you are not out the door in 1 minute then I guess the world is going to see you in your underpants….

No it’s fine..we’ll brush your teeth later…I’ll give you gum in the car…
When was the last time you took a shower?…I think I have body spray in the car…

So waiting for results from the PET scan was awful…especially because I sent emails to my doctor and got very short responses.

Hey doc, did you get results from my PET scan yet?
And we don’t typically give you results, but now you have a response.
Um, what? So did the tumor shrink?
Like a lot, a little, did it spread?
See you next appointment.

That was on July 24….and so finally yesterday was my appointment and here is the good news: George shrank! Here is the ok news: George is being stubborn and not shrinking as fast as the doctor wants.  The tumor has shrunk about 40% but that still means it is still 6.8 cm which is still considered a large, bulky tumor.  He also shared that they figured out my staging and I’m Stage 2E…not Stage 1 like they initially diagnosed.  Sooooo…..The new plan for the time being is to finish the rest of my R-CHOP cycles – after today, I will have two more to go.  I’ll be scheduled for another PET scan at the end of September.  We will read the results on October 5 and if George is still being a jerk and hanging around – then I will have to change my chemo regimen to R-ESHAP (treatments will be 5 consecutive days of IV infusion, followed by 21 days of rest and then repeat the cycle twice for a total of 3 more cycles).  R-ESHAP is gnarly…even harder than R-CHOP (what I get now).  If George decides to vacate completely, then I will start radiation therapy in Ontario.

My white blood cell counts have managed to stay high which really impresses my doctor and probably why I haven’t had severe side effects – but that might change if we go with a different chemo treatment and I’ll more than likely need to get a white cell booster.

Yesterday was rough mentally…I went into my appointment hoping that the doctor would tell me that George tapped out..that he quit and I that I didn’t have to keep going with the chemo.  I felt like I was climbing a hill, finally reaching the top only to find a bigger, steeper hill to climb before I can be done…So after my appointment, I was kind of numb….and I had to have a conversation with myself in the car right after…but now that I think about it, it wasn’t with myself…it was with Him:

So what are you going to do Barron?
Ok, but what are you going to do after that?
Be pissed…
And then?
And then I go back to praying and fighting…
You got this…
I got this…
I’ve got you…
I know…

I didn’t want to come in this morning for chemo…I sat in bed and sulked…I was mad…six cycles is what I was prepared for…now it might be another 3…a nasty 3 more plus multiple sessions of radiation…really? But I promised to fight…

So here I am this morning starting Round 4.  After a rocky start with the nurses having a rough time trying to find a good vein (I guess my veins “jump”) and them having to poke me six times…they finally found a good one that is strong enough to handle the Red Devil.  The nurses are going to try to convince my doctor to approve a port for me especially if I’m going to have treatments back to back for five days straight.

Back to the praying and fighting Barron….

I am determined to not let the “OK” news get to me…people say that they don’t hear God anymore…but I think there are different ways He reaches out to us…through a “Keep Calm and Pray On” book and a “I Got This -God” shirt from my friend Katherine…through a blanket gifted to me by Kelly and Van…through buttery soft leggings from my girl Amber…text messages from friends that they are praying for me and thinking of me…its not a booming voice from heaven with the storm clouds opening up….God is reminding me that I’ve never been alone…that even though He isn’t physically be next to me…He can show me how much I am loved through the people He has put strategically in my life to pour love on me…to give me the push to get up the next hill…

I confess, my hands are weary, I need Your rest
Mighty warrior, king of the fight
No matter what I face You’re by my side
When You don’t move the mountains
I’m needing You to move
When You don’t part the waters
I wish I could walk through
When You don’t give the answers
As I cry out to You
I will trust, I will trust, I will trust in You
I will trust in You
I will trust in You
I will trust in You